Package cool.mqtt.hooks

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    An encapsulation of the MQTT broker configuration corresponding to the connection alias provided by a client on connection establishment with MQTT.Cool.
    A wrapper of the connection parameters actually used by the MQTT.Cool server while establishing the end-to-end connection between the client and the target MQTT broker.
    Interface that defines an MQTT.Cool Hook.
    An abstraction of the PUBLISH Control Packet, sent by a client and then passed to the Hook, before being encoded and finally delivered to the target MQTT broker.
    An abstraction of the SUBSCRIBE Control Packet, sent by the client and passed to the Hook, before being encoded and finally submitted to the target MQTT broker.
    A wrapper of the parameters used to support the setting up of encrypted connections between the MQTT.Cool server and the target MQTT broker.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Simple skeletal implementation of the MQTTCoolHook interface, meant as a base class to be extended in order to minimize the effort required to provide a full implementation of a custom Hook.
  • Enum Summary 
    Enum Description
    The Quality of Service.
  • Exception Summary 
    Exception Description
    Exception class used by the Hook to signal an error condition.